Accounting Student Guide to Job Recruitment

  1. Research our 15+ accounting partners. Consider locations, websites, your areas of interests, etc. Use your research findings to select your top 3 - 5 firms. (create a personal calendar noting important dates for each firm - application due dates, interview dates, etc.)
  2. Find each firms jobs/internship postings via Handshake. Filter postings by label, use label "acct.fall.2023" to find job and internship postings from our accounting partners. Pick the posting that most interests you from each firm (some firms may not allow you to apply to more than one posting) paying close attention to available locations and required qualifications.
  3. Resume, cover letter, and interview preparation.
  • Complete your resume (be sure to use samples provided to you during the accounting recruiting GOLD workshop)
  • Write your customized cover letter, highlighting why you would like yo work for each firm and why each firm should choose you (be sure to use samples provided to you during the accounting recruiting GOLD workshop)
  • Complete your Handshake profile. Review and complete ALL sections of your profile.
  • Download your transcript ($7.50), save as a pdf in landscape orientation, on a desktop. (order your transcript here)
  1. Apply to 1 position from each of your selected firms: identify 1 uninterrupted hour in order to complete your application at least one day before the deadline. Once your application is submitted it is FINAL.
  2. After submitting your application be sure to check your email a few times daily responding to emails from accounting firms within an hour (NOTE: some emails from accounting firms may appear as if they are emails from Handshake). Be sure to answer your phone professionally.
  3. If the invite to interview is emailed to you via Handshake, you will most likely be required to schedule your interview via Handshake, if the employer directly emails you from a personal email (NOT Handshake), follow their instructions to schedule the interview using their provided interview links. Be sure to note whether your interview will be a virtual interview or if you will be interviewing in person.
To schedule an interview via Handshake
  1. Click on your account icon in the upper - right corner of the screen, then click My Meetings from the dropdown.
  2. Click On - Campus Interviews.
  3. Click on the interview you have been invited to. A list of available time slots will be displayed.
  4. Once you have chosen a time, click the Take Slot button on the right side of the page to confirm your time slot.

Be sure to note the location of your interview. Will your interview be virtual or in person?

Drop in to Erwin 116 during quick chat hours (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12 - 2 P.M.) with questions about resumes, cover letters, firms, Handshake profile, etc.

Use Big Interview to help you prepare for your interview