Job/Internship Posting

Employer Job Posting

List Your Part-time or Temporary Job - A Free Service

Please let us know if you hire a Geneseo student.

The quickest method is to post your jobs directly on Handshake.

  • Contact us! By email at or by phone at (585) 245-5734. 

Include your complete business address, phone number and name of contact.
Describe your job in detail, including salary.
List your requirements (special qualifications, days and hours needed).
Indicate application process (by resume, letter, phone call or in person).

Please be sure to adhere to our guidelines.

The Student Employment Service does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status, as either disabled or of the Vietnam era, nor will the office knowingly cooperate with employers who do so.