Procurement Procedure P-075 - General Procurements Between $10,000 - $50,000

Procurement Procedure P-075 - General Procurements Between $10,000 - $50,000


To define a procedure for the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and services when the value is equal to or greater than $10,000, but less than $50,000.


This procedure applies to all employees involved in the procurement of materials, supplies, and equipment.


Upon receipt of a requisition, the following procedures should be followed:

A.  NYS Preferred Source - Check item to see if it is available from a New York State Preferred Source vendor.

B.  State Contract – Check item to see if it is available from NYS Office of General Services contract.

C.  Competitive item – $10,000 - $50,000 – Obtain written quotations and/or other documentation to support the selection of the vendor and reasonableness of the price. 

[Note: Quarterly ad is placed in the NYS Contract Reporter to keep current on the required public notice on procurements having a value equal to or greater than $10,000, but less than $50,000.]

D.  Item(s) up to $50,000 purchased from a New York State Certified Minority or Women-Owned Supplier - While a written quotation is necessary from the diversity supplier, additional competitive quotes may not be (subject to the discretion of the Director or Associate Director of Purchasing & Central Services).  Written documentation must be maintained to support the selection of the vendor and reasonableness of the price.

E.  Sole Source – If the item/service is available only from a single supplier, obtain sole-source justification from the department and have signed by the appropriate Vice President or her/his designee.

F.  Emergency purchases - Must involve an accident or unforeseen occurrence requiring immediate action to ensure the health, safety, and operational capability of the campus community by requiring prompt ordering.


For purchases between $10,000 - $50,000, copies of the quotes solicited and/or other documentation to justify vendor selection and reasonableness of price must be kept with the procurement record.  In addition, a copy of the NYS Contract Reporter quarterly ad covering the procurement must be retained in the procurement record or otherwise maintained to ensure it is readily available upon request.

For sole source and emergency procurements, a copy of the written quotation and justification approved by the appropriate Vice President or her/his designee (and/or certification by the Director or Associate Director of Purchasing & Central Services) will be retained in the procurement record.

Last updated 10/27/2023