Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology
Notetaking and Audio Recording
- Glean (by Sonocent)
- Livescribe SmartPens (Echo 2)
- Handheld audio recorders
- Microsoft 365
*Note: To be utilized in classes by students who have an approved Audio Recording accommodation
Text-to-Speech and Dictation
- NEW! SensusAccess Accessible Document Conversion (in Brightspace)
- NaturalReader
- ReadSpeaker for Brightspace
- WebReader Overview Video (read Brightspace content aloud!)
- DocReader Overview Video (Read documents in Brightspace aloud!)
- Anthology Ally (previously Blackboard Ally) for Alternative Format Downloads
Audiobook Sources
Other Assistive Technologies and Resources
- JAWS screen reader (Located in Milne Library)
- Brailler Machine
- C-Pen Reader
- Voice amplifiers
- View the Library Accessibility webpage for more information on available tools and services at Milne Library
- How students use Assistive Technology: Washington DO-IT Center