GOLD stands for Geneseo Opportunities for Leadership Development, the student leadership program at Geneseo. GOLD is sponsored by the Division of Student & Campus Life, the Center for Community, and the Student Association.

What is the certificate program all about?

The GOLD Leadership Certificate Program was developed at the request of students to create a tangible incentive for participation, and to recognize students who invest time and energy in developing their leadership skills and knowledge. The certificates are awarded upon completion of eight workshops at each level provided that the various required sessions and journals are also completed. 

Who is eligible?

Any Geneseo student may register and take any workshop whenever it is offered. You do not have to be an elected leader or even a member of an organization. Start when you are ready and take as many workshops as you would like. There is no charge for workshops or certificates.

How do I sign up for workshops?

Go to the GOLD workshop registration website. To login to your GOLD account, you will need to provide your Geneseo username and password. 

When are workshops offered?

A new schedule of workshops is offered each semester and all required workshops are offered at least once per academic year.

Do I need to take workshops in any sequence?

No; records are kept of the workshops you attend in your GOLD account. Required workshops will apply when you have completed the appropriate certificate level.

What are the required workshops?

There are four required workshops for each of the eight certificates. 

What is a journal and why is it required?

Students who wish to obtain any of the leadership certificates are required to maintain a reflective journal on their leadership journey at Geneseo as it relates to the workshops, leadership experiences, and the certificate program.

How often do I need to make a journal entry?

Students should submit a journal reflection approximately two weeks after participating in a GOLD workshop. 

When will I be given my certificates?

Certificates earned during the academic year will be awarded at the leadership ceremony in the spring Semester.

May I take workshops without pursuing certificates?

Absolutely! But you still need to register for all workshops via the GOLD workshop registration website.

Whom do I contact about other questions?

Nicholas P. Palumbo, Assistant Dean of Students
Center for Community: MacVittie College Union, Room 353
Phone: 585-245-6493
Email: palumbon@geneseo.edu