Procurement Procedure P-073A - Corporate Procurement Cards - Purchases $0 - $2,500

Procurement Procedure P-073A - Corporate Procurement Cards - Purchases $0 - $2,500


The purpose of this procedure is to establish a more efficient, cost effective method of purchasing and payment for small dollar purchases.


The procurement card enables cardholders to make authorized purchases directly from a supplier without processing the traditional paperwork.  Cardholders are able to make purchases up to $2,500 per transaction with the procurement card.  Travel expenses may not be charged to the procurement card.


A.  Departments identify the employees who are to receive a procurement card.  Cards are issued to individuals.  All employees receiving a procurement card must receive training to become familiar with State procurement policies and procedures.

B.  Each cardholder is responsible for verifying all charges associated with their specific account number.  No unauthorized purchases will be permitted. Any employee making unauthorized purchases will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

C.  To obtain a procurement card, a P-Card Authorization Form must be completed and approved by the appropriate department head, if applicable, and forwarded to the Procurement & Property Control Services Department.

D.  Please see the most current SUNY Geneseo Procurement Card Procedural Handbook for a complete set of the official procedures for the procurement card program.

Last updated 10/27/2023