Research at Oxford
Geneseo offers a wonderful opportunity for talented undergraduate chemists: the opportunity to study at the world-renowned Dyson Perrins Laboratory and other chemistry laboratories at Oxford University. Here, carefully selected students work under the supervision of some of the best-known researchers in the world. Cutting edge work pushes the boundaries of science and is a perfect way to get hands-on experience of graduate work in the field. Our students work alongside graduate and post-doctoral students in a team. Students spend six weeks in Oxford in July and August.
Most of our students work at the Dyson Perrins laboratory. It is the UK's premier academic laboratory for research in Organic Chemistry. It is situated near the centre of Oxford's Science Area, with easy access to libraries, colleges and the city centre. In the summer of 2003, the complete facility moved to a purpose-built new laboratory. This new environment, shared with many other research groups from the Chemistry faculty, creates increasing opportunities and resources for interdisciplinary research at the boundaries with both Biology and Materials, expected to be prolific growth areas for Organic Chemistry.
The resources in the DP are fitting for a laboratory of international stature. Particular emphasis is placed on NMR, and Mass Spectrometry, where the diverse facilities available to researchers are world class. In addition, there is a shared Chemistry resource in X-ray crystallography, permitting rapid and easy acquisition of structural data. At both the laboratory and University level the library facilities are excellent, with increasing emphasis on electronic access to journals and databases. An intensive seminar program regularly attracts eminent organic chemists to present their work in Oxford.
At present, there are seventeen members in the academic staff with a wide variety of research interests. Research workers fall into three categories - about 60 postdoctoral researchers, 80 postgraduate (D. Phil) students, and 50 fourth-year (Part II, M. Chem.) undergraduate students. For more information, visit the Chemistry Web site.