Sabbatical and Other Leaves
Sabbatical Leave
The objective of a sabbatical leave is to increase the faculty member's value to the College and thereby improve and enrich its programs. Sabbatical leaves are for the purposes of planned travel, study, formal education, research, writing, or other experience of professional value; they are not regarded as a reward for service nor as a vacation or rest period occurring automatically at stated intervals.
The following faculty have been granted a sabbatical leave during the 2023-24 academic year.
Academic Year 2023-24
- Aaron Herold, Political Science & International Relations, Democracy: Populism, Imperialism, and Revolution. A Study in Modern Political Thought
Spring 2024
- Alla Myzelev, Art History, Fashion of Dissent: Masculinity, Representation and Gender Identity in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space
- Jennifer Guzman, Anthropology, Book Projects in Linguistic-Medical Anthropology and Intercultural Medicine
- Josephine Reinhardt, Biology, The Ecosystem of Genomic Conflicts in Stalk-eyed Flies
- Lisa Meyer, Sociology, The effects of women's artisanal trade cooperatives on bargaining power in the household and intra-household resource allocation: the case of Morocco
- Pouya Seifzadeh, School of Business, Effect of Perceived Home Country Susceptibility to Third-Country Political Pressure on International Alliance Structures
- Sara Burch, Biology, Functional consequences of extreme limb reduction: modeling forelimb function in theropod dinosaurs
- Yvonne Seale, History, The Women of Prémontré: Gender, Belonging, and the Premonstratensian Order in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century France
Fall 2023
- Anand Rao, Political Science & International Relations, Close the Door Because of China, Open the Door Because of China: Japan's Immigration Dilemma
- Beverly Evans, Global Languages & Cultures, French Women Musicians and Artists of the Interwar Period (1918-1939)
- Caroline Haddad, Mathematics, Retooling to Data Analytics to Refresh My Career and Aid Our Students
- Denise Scott, Sociology, Student Aspirations, Well-being and the Construction of Gender, Class, and Nation in Northern India
- Ian Alam, School of Business, Using Social Media for Customer Interaction During New Service Development Process in the Emerging Markets
- Jennifer Rogalsky, Geography & Sustainability Studies, Historic Redlining & Recruitment Redlining: The Geography of College Opportunity - Rochester City School District and SUNY Geneseo
- Kazushige Yokoyama, Chemistry, Investigation of protein folding (molecular Origami) over nano-gold surface and an establishment of Raman imaging system for chemical/biological/geological samples at SUNY Geneseo Integrated Science Center
The following faculty have been approved for sabbatical leave during the 2024-25 academic year.
Academic Year 2024-25
- Ahmad Almomani, Mathematics, Applied Optimization Algorithms for Sustainability
- Raslan Ibrahim, Political Science & International Relations, The Norms and Practices of Sovereignty in the Arab State System
Spring 2025
- Jovana Babovic, History, The Youngest Yugoslavs: An Oral History of Post-Socialist Memory
- Susana Castillo-Rodriguez, Global Languages & Cultures, The Origins of the Methodist Church in Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
- Eric Helms, Chemistry, Measurement of 15N NMR Chemical Shifts at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Stephen Tulowiecki, Geography & Sustainability Studies, Advancing knowledge of tree species distributions and the legacies of human land use in forests of New York State
Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave
The Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave program provides funds to help employees prepare for permanent or continuing appointments. Preference is given to employees who are underrepresented based on their protected class status. The program also seeks to promote diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity for specific employees in a department, unit, or program that can demonstrate that they are under-represented in that department, program, or unit.
The following faculty were awarded a Drescher Leave by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committee:
Spring 2024
- Hanna Brant, Political Science and International Relations
- Varuni Jamburuthugoda, Biology
- Ling Ma, History
Approved for Fall 2024
- Amanda Lewis-Nang'ea, History
- Olaocha Nwabara, English
Fulbright Scholar Leave
The Fulbright Scholar Program is one of the most widely recognized and prestigious international exchange programs in the world and is open to faculty and professionals at all stages of their careers, including retirement. The program, which supports activities and projects that promote the relationship between educational exchange and international understanding, provides grants to support research or teaching in a participating country for a set duration of time (often the equivalent of one academic semester or a full academic year).
The following faculty received 2022-23 Fulbright U.S. Scholar awards:
Spring 2023
- Scott Giorgis, Geological Sciences, Paleomagnetic Insights into Fault Movement in the Northern Andes, Barranquilla, Colombia
Fall 2022
- D. Jeffrey Over, Geological Sciences, Collaborative Studies and Teaching in Geological Sciences: Event Stratigraphy, Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology, and Research Investigation of Environmental Changes During the Late Devonian Global Crisis, Brno, Czech Republic