Kodjo Adabra |
Francophone Literatures and Civilizations, Black Studies |
Global Languages and Cultures, French, Black / Africana Studies |
Catherine Adams |
Early Colonial U.S. |
History, Black / Africana Studies, American Studies, Women's and Gender Studies |
James Aimers |
archaeology, pottery/ ceramics, Gender/sexuality, material culture, Maya/Mesoamerica, Climate Change |
Anthropology, Native American Studies, Latin American Studies |
Ahmad Almomani |
Applied Optimization, Derivative-Free Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Special Functions. |
Mathematics |
Jennifer Apple |
Ecology and evolution of plant-insect interactions, Molecular ecology |
Biology |
Jonathan Auyer |
Philosophy of Art, Ethics and Applied Ethics |
Philosophy |
Jovana Babović |
Modern Europe |
History |
Travis Bailey |
Regeneration Biology, Genetic Defects of Eye Development |
Biology |
Doug Baldwin |
Computer Graphics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science and Liberal Arts |
Mathematics |
Susan Bandoni Muench |
Systematics of Parasitic, Systematics of Phylogenetic Reconstruction , Host-Parasite Coevolution & Biogeography |
Biology, Black / Africana Studies, Sociomedical Sciences |
Brian C. Barnett |
Epistemology, Logic & Probability, Eastern Philosophy, Philosophy of Nonviolence, ethics |
Philosophy |
Allison Bechard |
Animal models, Addiction and Relapse, Experience-dependent development, Repetitive behavior, Transgenerational effects |
Psychology, Neuroscience |