File a Compliment / Complaint

The University Police Department is committed to providing high-quality campus law enforcement services to our SUNY Geneseo community. Your feedback is important and may be submitted below.

File a Compliment

If the embedded form is not loading, it may be accessed here: File A Compliment (University Police) 

Overview of Complaint Process

All formal complaints are investigated by the Assistant Chief of Police or their designee. The complainant will be contacted as soon as possible to discuss the complaint and receive additional information on the investigative process. Complaints received will be kept in strict confidence. Only Department personnel with a need to know will be made aware of such complaint and/or investigation. The preliminary investigation will be completed as soon as possible but no later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of the complaint. Completed investigations are forwarded to the Chief of Police for final review, approval, disposition, and file maintenance. 

Possible Outcomes:

  • Sustained: the act complained of did occur and amounts to misconduct or misjudgement
  • Unfounded: the act complained about did not occur
  • Exonerated: the conduct was justified, lawful, and proper
  • Not Sustained: insufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the complaint or allegation

Upon determination of a disposition, the Chief of Police or their designee will make the following notifications regarding the result of the investigation: complainant, supervisor(s) involved, officer(s) involved. All closed investigations will be maintained and secured by the Chief of Police.

File a Complaint

If the embedded form is not loading, it may be accessed here: File A Complaint (University Police)