Weather Station


 The weather station was developed as a project in hardware and software to make accessible real time data of weather conditions in the eGarden. It was also designed to be mobile, and run off grid, so it provides its own power with a solar panel mounted on the platform, and also has a small wind turbine attached. 

Weather Station Timeline (2016-2023)

2016: Construction

 The weather station was first built in 2016. It was built on two platforms, one holding the solar panel, wind turbine, and the battery they charged, and the other holding the sensors and the Arduino. 

Working on the weather station.

Working on the weather station.

Poster for the weather station.

Poster for the original weather station. 

2017: Perfecting the code

 As the students responsible for this project were graduating seniors in 2017, much of the work they did this year focused on streamlining the code and making sure others would understand it and be able to make changes to it once they graduated.