Living-Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are characterized by strong faculty and staff engagement, peer leaders, a required course, and a focus on knowledge and skill building in leadership to cultivate action through community.

Business & Society | Food Culture House | Global House | First Knight Experience | Sports Leadership | Writers House | Eco House


Quick Facts

  • Some LLCs have required or optional for-credit courses.
  • Many LLCs offers unique and specialized resources for the LLC residents (see below for details in each community)
  • All students participate in "A Little Knight-Time Reading" common read program
Dante House (on pause for 2024-2025)
  • Named for Dante Alighieri, the Italian poet, writer, and philosopher; Dante House was formed in 2008 to exemplify a liberal education: valuing learning in and out of the classroom, through civic engagement and service to the community
  • For all first-year students interested in global citizenship and service
  • Required Course: XLRN 102 - Ethical Service Learning (fall semester)
  • First-year Edgar Fellows (Geneseo's honors program) are housed in this LLC
  • Dante House peer mentors who lived in Dante House in previous years serve as resources
Eco House
  • Named and founded by students in 2010 as a place to explore and increase sustainability awareness and activism on campus
  • Required Course: XLRN 102 - Intro to Eco House - introduces student to research, initiatives, and groups on campus working on the three pillars of sustainability (social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice)
  • Active peer leaders educate residents on areas of interest (compost, fast fashion, environmental justice, etc), connect residents to campus and community resources (eGarden, clubs, Genesee Valley Conservancy, Career Design, internship and ambassadorship opportunities)
  • Eco House is open to students in all years and all majors
  • First-year Sustainability Studies majors are encouraged to live here
Business & Society LLC
  • Established to develop skills for business majors and non-majors, to connect first-year students to the diversity of the fields in Business, and learn about the impact on society.
  • Required Course: MGMT 100 - Society and Business (or ENTR 100 - Intro to Entrepreneurship)
  • First-year students interested in any aspect of Business (accounting, human resources, data analytics, economists, finance, entrepreneurship, and more)
  • Support from the School of Business Van Arsdale Chair in Entrepreneurship and School of Business Faculty
First Knight Experience (on pause for 2024-2025)
  • Developed for first-time, first-year students who have not declared a major and/or are exploring majors
  • Required Course: EXPL 101 - Geneseo First Year Seminar
  • Course is taught by Residence Life professionals and aims to facilitate students' exploration into learning in and out of the classroom
  • Part of our "linked living-learning community" building, further enabling students to connect with students in a variety of majors and explore their interests and connect with resources
Sports Leadership
  • Developed to bring together first year athletes and those interested in athletics including spectators, intramural, eSports, sports medicine, fitness, etc.
  • Support from the athletics department staff
Tesla House (on pause for 2024-2025)
  • Named by residents after Nikola Tesla, innovator and collaborator
  • First-year students interested in Physics, Geological Sciences, and Education
  • Required Course: XLRN 102 - Integrative Project Seminar (spring semester)
  • In-hall math and physics Tutor
  • Tesla Mentors who lived in Tesla House in previous years serve as resources
  • Discovery Cafe events
Writers House
  • For students interested in all types of creative and academic writing including literary writing, science writing, song writing, poetry, music, film, plays, short stories, and the teaching of writing.
  • For all majors and years
  • Active peer leaders provide mentorship, run events, connect residents to campus and community resources including visiting writers, lectures, publishing opportunities, etc.
  • Writing Tutors, trained by the Writing Learning Center, hold hours in Seneca Hall
  • A library and conference room are used for book clubs, movie screenings, and other social events
Global House 
  • For students interested in exploring the role of diverse cultures in and out of the United States
  • Active peer leaders run events, connect residents to campus and community resources (like Study Abroad and Study Away, Volunteer and Service), and host cultural celebrations throughout the year
  • Cultural Dinners, field trips, and engagement with faculty and staff from all around the world contribute to broadening perspectives
Food Culture House
  • Devoted to food, food cultures, and food security around the world
  • Residents have access to an upgraded kitchen and pantry stable items (spices, etc)
  • Programming with the Cornell Cooperative Extension, Food Security Advocates, Campus Auxiliary Services, and eGarden are common
  • Open to students of all years and all majors
  • Active peer leaders run events, connect residents to campus and community resources and much more!


Affinity Based Living-Learning Communities

All Living-Learning Communities