Residence Hall Damage Billing

Room Condition and Damage Charges

During the first day, or within the first week of a resident's arrival to campus, they should complete an inspection of their living space and document the condition of their room, and common areas, if applicable, in Symplicity.  Student's can request a Resident Assistant do this inspection with them. This process is called "completing the room condition report," also referred to as the RCR.  Prior to our residents arrival, Resident Assistants (RAs) go to each residence hall room in their assigned area and inspect resident rooms: for safety purposes, to ensure that all furniture is present, and that the room is in good condition for move-in day.  The goal is for a resident's room and common area to be in the same condition, if not better, upon departure as it was at arrival.  Any negative changes in condition will result in charges to a resident's student account.  

Students have occupied space in our residence halls since 1958 when Jones Hall opened its doors for the first time. Normal wear and tear is bound to occur. What is important to document are damages, excessive wear and tear, broken locks, key changes, health and safety matters, missing items, and labor costs - not exhaustive.  Even more important, residents should make every effort to maintain the condition of their assigned space(s). 

Upon departure, resident rooms are re-inspected by RA and a Check-Out RCR is completed.  Residents can be present while their/an RA inspects their room and can request to have an AC/RD inspect it as well.  Residents and RAs should note damages, missing items, key loss, or anything out of the ordinary. Residents can also take responsibility for any missing items or damages at this time as well. RAs may take videos or pictures to document damages, missing items, or anything out of the ordinary. After check-out, the AC/RD and a Facilities Services staff expert will complete an inspection to make a final determination on the room condition. Residents will be billed for any changes to their assigned space(s) as noted above.  

RCRs are managed in Symplicity:

  • RCRs should be completed prior to the resident's arrival by an RA. Note: this may not be possible for residents who receive approval for early arrival or for students who change rooms during the academic year.
  • RCRs are reviewed by the resident.  Additional notes are made, if applicable, and the resident approves the RCR.
  • Health and safety inspections of resident rooms are completed mid-semester and at the closing of each semester to note the condition of the space. Residents will be given notice (generally - two weeks, one week, 24 hours; no less than 24 hours) prior to any inspection and may be present during an inspection. Fire safety inspections are also completed at least twice an academic year with notice as well. 
  • RCRs are completed after a resident's departure from their assigned space whether they are doing a room change or leaving at the end of the year. Residents may not re-enter the room to continue the move-out process after a departure is completed.

Quick Info:

  • Residents must return any keys issued to them upon their departure or risk being charged.
  • Early Arrival and Late Departure are chargeable.
  • Improper Check-Out (not communicating with a Residence Life staff member about departure, late departure without approval, improperly filled out paperwork, etc) is chargeable.
  • Changing rooms without approval is chargeable. Room condition charges may also be assessed incorrectly, if housing assignment records are inaccurate. If a student changed rooms without prior approval from Residence Life, they may be assessed charges for both rooms/units.
  • Submitting a work order does not prevent a resident from being charged for damaged or missing items. 
  • After move-in week, Facilities Services charges for bed-raising or lowering.  
  • Facilities Services experts inspect rooms after residents depart.  If damages are noted by Facilities Services, additional charges may incur. Residents may request that a residence life staff member take a look at their space prior to their departure to see if they would be charged for anything missing or considered in poor condition however they may not be able to give a complete view of damage billing until Facilities Services is able to look at the damage.
  • Residents will be charged if items are left behind or if excessive cleaning is necessary.
  • Damage is divided equally between all students living in a room/suite/townhouse unless someone takes responsibility for the damage. Residence Life cannot accept an appeal based on blame, only on responsibility.

Note: The above Quick Info list is not exhaustive and does not cover every chargeable area.

Improper Check-Out

A proper check-out only occurs when the student completes the Check-Out Envelope including their signature and the date they are leaving, deposits their room key in the envelope, seals it, and places it in the Express Check-Out Box near their RA Service Desk in the building in which they live immediately prior to leaving the hall. 

In card access only halls (Erie, Monroe, Seneca) the student must still complete the Check-Out Form and deposit it in the Express Check-Out Box near their RA Service Desk.

Failure to follow any of these steps including (but not limited to) returning to the room after submitting the check-out form, leaving the key with another student or in the room, not completing or filling out the Check-Out Form/Envelope, etc. constitutes an improper check out. 

If a student is planning to check out outside of typical check out times (end of the semester) they should be in contact with their AC/RD.

Residence Hall Fees - Labor, Loss, Damage, Violation, and Service


Painting & Patching
  • Paint and Patch per wall - $125 
  • Room deodorizing - $525
  • Wall washing (per hour) - $36
Abandoned Property

$38/hour, minimum of 1 hour (items over 50lbs will be billed per item at $50)

Room Furniture
  • Bed Frame - $275
  • Desk/Pedestal - $480
  • Desk Top Refinish - $126 + 3 hour labor
  • Desk Chair - $215
  • Dresser - $440
  • Mattress - $195
  • Refinish Dresser - $126 + 3 hour labor
Miscellaneous Room Items
  • Book shelf - $210
  • Ceiling tile - $10 + 1 hour labor
  • Closet shelf - $165
  • Floor damage - TBD by location
  • Lamp - $235
  • Mirror - $120
  • Peephole - $70
  • Reattach door closer - $80
  • Recycling basket - $20
  • Replace door closer - $365 + 1 hour labor
  • Room light - $125
  • Room door without lock set - $1,150
  • Shade - $75
  • Smoke detector replacement - $280
  • Toilet paper dispenser - $75
  • Cleaning: $36/hour, minimum 1 hour
  • Mechanic: $45/hour, minimum 1 hour
  • Blinds/drapes replacement - $175
  • Re-screening - $80
  • Window screen frame - $160
  • Window replacement TBD by location

    Note: Average cost per window is $235
Lock & Key
  • Lock re-key (corridor room) - $65.50
  • Lock re-key (suite room) - $115
  • Lock re-key end-of-year (after last day of classes) - $150 
  • Key lock replacement - $320
  • Broken card access lock replacement - $2,800

    Note: SUNY Geneseo is not responsible for stolen keys. If your keys are stolen, you will still be responsible for their replacement.
Residence Hall
  • Requested bed height changes - $36 
    (no cost during opening week)
  • Late check-out - $50 
  • Improper check-out/in - $50 
  • Improper room change - $75

Note: Not all items are captured. Any item not listed will be charged as determined by Residence Life, Facilities, or UPD as needed.

This document, Residence Hall Billing (PDF), provides costs to repair damage and replace items in residence halls, as well as the fees assessed for some services and policy violations associated with arrival and departure. Updated prices for the next year are expected August 1.

Common Area Damage

Damage billing is used to address all damages within individual student rooms as well as vandalism and damages in public areas. Lobbies, hallways, social and student lounges, bathrooms, and elevators are just a few of the public areas that sustain damage throughout the year. 

The philosophy behind vandalism and public damage billing is that all residents in housing are part of a larger community on campus. Therefore, residents are not only responsible for their personal accommodations, but also the community areas they share with fellow residents. One aspect of this responsibility is that damages occur in common areas. It is our hope that residents will work to prevent damages and address incidents as they occur (community members look out for their neighbors).

We realize that not everyone is responsible for these damages; however, like all members of our community, we benefit from the advantages granted by working elevators, exit signs, and hallway lights, etc… these items are repaired when broken to ensure that all residents benefit from their existence.

We understand that damage billing can be stressful for students who were not involved. While our preference is to address these issues with the students who caused them, if we do not have any information that would reasonably lead us to hold a specific individual or group responsible for this damage, we begin by notifying the residents of this damage in hopes that students who have information or the student(s) responsible come forward. We do hold on sending bills until they meet a certain threshold however continued damage and vandalism may ensure this threshold is met. Role modeling, confronting a student causing damage, and contacting your RA if you notice damage in common spaces are all ways to help limit this and create a community where vandalism is not acceptable to you, the residents who live there.

Billing and Appeals

Billing is only completed and sent out in December/January for end of Fall semester move outs and May/June for end of spring semester move outs. Students who change rooms in the middle of the semester may not see a damage bill for the space they left until the next billing cycle. Damage billing inspections are completed by the Area Coordinator/Resident Director for the hall along with a facilities staff person after the occupant has left. RAs are not qualified to complete damage billing inspections. While you may ask your AC/RD to look at possible damage prior to your departure, they will likely need to consult with facilities staff before a charge is determined so they may not be able to provide you with costs in advance of your departure.

Invoices are emailed directly to the student with information on the appeal period. Our appeal period generally aligns with the billing due date. Our staff cannot accept appeals after the appeal period is completed.