Meal Plans

All students living on campus are required by SUNY Geneseo to purchase a meal plan. On-campus students can choose from any of the three unlimited dining meal plans, or the Knight Blue plan. Off-campus students can select any one of the five off-campus meal plans listed below, or any of the on-campus plans. Cost listed below is per semester.

To learn more about meal plans at Geneseo please visit the CAS Meal Plans webpage.  

On-Campus Meal Plans Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
Plan Breakdown Knight750 Knight500 Knight250 Knight Blue
Retail Dollars:  $825 $540 $250 $1,550
Meal Plan Swipes:  Unlimited  Unlimited Unlimited 112
Total Cost:  $3,415 $3,130 $2,840 $2,895


Off-Campus Meal Plans Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
Plan Breakdown  Supreme Plan Premium Plan Basic Plan  Express Plan Trial Plan 
Retail Dollars: $750 $500 $375 $250 $150
Total Cost: $750 $500 $375 $250 $150


How to Add or Change a Meal Plan 

For students living on campus, your meal plan is automatically included on your college tuition bill.  New students will automatically be enrolled in the Knight500 plan, and returning students will automatically be enrolled in the Knight250 plan.   If you would like to upgrade or make a change to your meal plan before the semester begins, you can do so online at your Student Account Center by submitting a Meal Plan Change Request.  

After the semester begins, any meal plan reductions will need to be made in the CAS business office located in Blake A 108 (585-245-5648).  Upgrades and the purchase of new meal plans can still be completed by submitting a Meal Plan Change Request with the Student Accounts Office.    

Student's living off campus, or in the campus Townhouses, can also add a meal plan by submitting a Meal Plan Change Request online at their Student Account Center.     

All meal plans requested before the first day of classes will be active by the first day of class.  After the first day of classes, please allow 1 to 2 business days for the meal plan to be activated. 

Price Lock Meal Plans 

If you are currently enrolled in a price lock meal plan, CAS will honor this plan for the remainder of your time at SUNY Geneseo. Those who wish to switch to an unlimited dining meal plan may do so without paying the withdrawal fee. If you no longer need or want this plan, you can opt out of the contract for a $199 withdrawal fee.