Office of Advising

The Office of Advising assists students, faculty, and prospective students in navigating SUNY Geneseo's curriculum. We celebrate student success every day, and we also publish the Dean's List and President's list at the end of each semester. We help students explore potential majors and "right size" a major that doesn't fit. Advisors also assist students who have struggled academically through academic coaching and alignment with resources that help all students stay on track. 

Affirming Our Values

The Office of Advising serves all students at SUNY Geneseo, and to serve all students well, we must acknowledge that our culture remains one in which students of color, and especially black students, continue to face racial injustice. In line with President Battles’ May 31 avowal of SUNY Geneseo’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we affirm our support of those who denounce and actively resist racism and injustice. Our educational values in the liberal arts tradition ask us to think deeply and critically, to read broadly, and to act ethically and responsibly in our immediate and wider communities. To that end, we encourage all students to explore the ways Geneseo's curriculum teaches about identity, intersectionality, and human diversity.

Quick Q&A

Q. How do courses from other colleges transfer to SUNY Geneseo?

A. Use the Transfer Equivalency Databank to determine if and how a course might transfer in from other colleges.  

Q. I am a new student planning to start next semester. How soon will I get my class schedule?

A. Welcome! Please visit the New Student Registration page to learn all about registering for classes.

Information for Current Students

P/F grading policy

Registering for Classes -- a quick overview!

Meet with an Academic Peer Mentor

Geneseo Learning Centers and Tutoring

Identity-based courses in Geneseo's curriculum

Academic Advising Overview

Academic Peer Mentors (APMs)

Dr. Saundra McGuire on the "Study Cycle" (a 7 minute video -- excellent!)

STAR-NY: Free SUNY-Wide Online Tutoring Sun-Thu, 7 to Midnight

Information for Faculty

P/F grading policy

Incomplete Grade Agreement 

Incomplete Grade Agreement (WORD)

Dr. Saundra McGuire on the "Study Cycle" (a 7 minute video -- excellent!)

Identity-based courses in Geneseo's curriculum

How to provide access to course materials for students who have Incomplete grades (TRANSITION FROM CANVAS TO BRIGHTSPACE, Spring 2023)

Low Density Classroom Capacities

NAVIGATE Quick Start Guide


Information for New, Incoming, & Prospective Students

New Student Registration FAQs

New Transfer Students

Academic Advising Overview

Language Requirement & Placement Info

NAVIGATE Student App and "Study Buddies"

Exploring a major or "Undeclared" -- thoughts from the Dean

Dr. Saundra McGuire on the "Study Cycle" (a 7 minute video -- excellent!)

New Student Programs & Orientation

How will my courses transfer to Geneseo? (Databank)

Identity-based courses in Geneseo's curriculum

I need information about academic or housing accommodations (Office of Accessibility)

Quick Links

Need help?

Schedule an Appointment

Meet with an Academic Peer Mentor


Transfer Equivalency Self-Service

Pre-Graduation Checklist

Student Account Holds


Social Media

Facebook     Twitter     Instagram     LinkedIn     YouTube     TikTok

Contact Us

Office of Advising
106 Erwin Hall
One College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: 585-245-5541

Advising Service Desk

Office Hours

Mon - Fri. 8:00am - 4:00pm